G2SF's Training Programs: Enhancing Security and Preparedness


  • Security Management:
    • Pro-Active Security Management: Comprehensive training on developing and implementing proactive security measures to mitigate risks and enhance organizational security.
    • Crisis Management: Equipping individuals with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage crises, including crisis communication, decision-making, and response strategies.
  • Personal Security:
    • Kidnapping Avoidance and Survival: Specialized training on identifying and avoiding kidnapping threats, as well as survival techniques in case of abduction.
    • Safety and Security for Field Staff: Providing field staff with the necessary tools and knowledge to ensure their personal safety and security while operating in challenging environments.
    • Conflict Survival: Training individuals on conflict resolution strategies, situational awareness, and personal safety techniques to navigate high-risk situations.
    • CP Training: Comprehensive training for Close Protection Officers (CPOs) to enhance their skills in executive protection, threat assessment, and risk management.
  • Safety:
    • First Aid (basic/advanced): Training individuals in basic or advanced first aid techniques to provide immediate medical assistance in emergencies.
    • Firefighting: Equipping individuals with the knowledge and practical skills required to effectively respond to and mitigate fire incidents.
  • Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) Concepts: Training individuals on the concepts and principles of Business Continuity Management System as required by ISO 22301. This includes developing strategies and plans to ensure business continuity in the face of disruptions and crises.


G2SF's Training Programs offer comprehensive and specialized training to enhance security, personal safety, and preparedness. Our programs are designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively mitigate risks and respond to various security challenges. Contact us to learn more about our training offerings and how they can benefit your organization.